We watch your server every day of every week. Shutting down problems before they happen.
We work 365 days a year to prevent people from breaking into your network. Monitoring to ensure your equipment always stays connected.
Unexpected Happens. Our engineers are standing by 24 hours a day to fix it when it does.
When unexpected happens. We’re always available, even on holidays at 3 AM. Our engineers are standing by ready to help with anything that could happen. We can also provide on-site support whenever necessary. Our goal is always customer service and satisfaction.
We know that protecting your IT infrastructure is important, and protecting your customers data doubly so. We provide everything you’ll need to keep your business safe and secure. Our solutions include best-in-class antivirus provided by Webroot. As well as regular IT security audits, including servers and firewalls.
For most situations we recommend cloud based backup. It solves many of the problems traditional on-site backups may have. Such as vulnerability to physical security, fire, and theft. We provide the option to back up to Amazon EC2, or Google Cloud Services data centers. We can also provide On-Site backup where necessary on a client to client basis.
Windows always finds the worst time to update. Sometimes taking your business off-line for an extended period of time. That’s why we offer managed patching. We take care of the patches in advance, and apply them outside of business hours. That way your IT infrastructure is always ready to go during business hours.
We carry the complete line of Microsoft Office 365 products. Including productivity tools such as Word, Excel, and the email service Exchange Online. We can also provide non-365 hosted exchange as well as POP email services.